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InZOI to Launch with Seasons in Base Game 
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Регистриран на: Сряда, 01.11.2023 г. 06:03 ч.
Мнения: 1
Местоположение: China
Мнение InZOI to Launch with Seasons in Base Game
InZOI is raising the bar for life simulation games by introducing seasons as part of its base game, a feature that has been reserved for downloadable content (DLC) in The Sims series. InZOI’s creative director, Hyungjun Kim, confirmed that players will experience all four seasons right from the start, with each season bringing unique weather challenges that require their Zois to adapt.

The game takes realism a step further by forcing players to dress their Zois appropriately for each season. Failure to do so could result in detrimental effects, such as illness or even death. Whether it’s enduring the winter cold or coping with summer heat, players must manage their Zois’ clothing choices to survive.

This season feature is a notable contrast to The Sims, where seasonal content has often been locked behind paid DLC. Fans of The Sims have expressed frustration over having to wait years for seasons to be added to each new installment. InZOI, however, aims to provide this feature from the get-go, giving it an edge over its competitors in the life-sim genre.

While the game’s early access is scheduled for March, it remains to be seen whether InZOI can live up to the hype and expectations, especially when compared to the long-standing success of The Sims. Still, the inclusion of seasons in the base game is a promising step for this new life simulator.

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Петък, 28.02.2025 г. 10:47 ч.
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